Saturday, July 31, 2010

Course Translations

1. I think the Blindfolded drawing project would be great to do with my students. This project forces you to think about how you define space and objects within that space when you prepare to draw them by making you verbalize that thought process to a partner. It would give students practice putting their thoughts about art and artmaking into words, an ability that I've found many of students find difficult to do. I also think my students would have as much fun doing it as I did.

2. The altered book project is one that I would love to do with my students. This is a realm of art that I had not been exposed to prior to this class, and I thoroughly enjoyed planning it out and working on it and sharing it. I know several of my HS Art students would love this project. I wish I would have known of it last year, because I had several seniors who I'm sure would have created amazing books had I offered them the opportunity. This is a project I would save for the more advanced students who are self-motivated and accustomed to pushing their creative borders. If I tried it with less motivated students, I would never see a finished project; with less creative thinkers, I would just get a sloppy mess with little artistic merit from which they would learn little. I do like the idea of introducing the concept of "altering" with a post card or some other scaled down version. That is something I think my Art 1 students would benefit from and could handle.

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