Monday, July 26, 2010


These are some of the images from my project book "Moss". After practicing the techniques we have been using this week, I began to apply them to my fascination with the spanish moss all around campus. Using these differing techniques forced me to see things I might otherwise have missed, like the variations of color in the moss as depicted in the colored pencil drawings first of negative space and then of form. The graphite was very effective in allowing me to really look at some lights and darks I would not have seen. The ink brush captured the gesture of the moss. My project book also contains more transparencies which show the moss in a lyrical light and more graphite drawings concerned with the form. I'm saving the silverpoint for its own post. My plan is some abstract oil paintings of the moss. But all of these techniques are a great tool to take to my botanical classes. These techniques will all work well with botanical subjects and give the students different ways to observe plant life in the same way that I have this week. Using these sketchbook techniques forces a much closer look at plant subjects, so necessary to effective botanical depiction. I can't wait to try them on classes!

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I think moss is beautiful and was always in awe of it as a child when we would drive to Florida. It's so interesting to take this subject matter and see so many different variations and how many things you can do with it. Great job.


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