Monday, August 2, 2010

Natalie, Altered Book

Altered Book and Translation #2

This is my first time constructing a Altered Book. The first few days I was completely lost in what I was doing. My artistic mind is programmed to create realistic things so it was difficult to turn the switch off. It was hard for me to “let-go” and explore. I struggled the first 2 days of class. Pages didn’t link to each other, I had no rhyme or reason for putting things together. I was “playing”. However, on the 3rd day I had an awaking. My cup fell into a pile of paint and I picked it up and started stamping. I loved the print it made so I decided to carry its throughout the book. While making the altered book, I had an idea of how I could incorporate it in my class. Below is lesson that I could do with my students

Course: Drawing and Painting I
Unit: Multimedia
Lesson: Personality Collage.

Goal: After a series of personality tests, research, writing and exploring media, Students will complete an intimate
collage based off of their finding and investigation of their personality.

Objective: Students will learn, analyze and create a work of art based off of their personality. Students will learn
how art work can have deep emotional meaning.

1. Visual Aids, Technology Aids Library and Web Research
2. Techniques and demos
3. Class discussions
4. Writing, exploring and sketching
5. Final project, 18X24 Personality Collage.
6. Presentation and Critique.

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