Monday, August 2, 2010

Natalie, Project Book

Project Book and Translation #1

This is by far my favorite lesson of the week. I really enjoyed myself. This lesson pushed me to explore and research a single subject in a way that I have never done before. Usually, I sketch out my thoughts in a sketchbook, gather images and quickly jump into my art work. The project book helped me to slow down, really compose my thoughts, and investigate a subject more deeply. As I was working on the book I was thinking of my AP Drawing students. In the AP course, there is a section where students are required to produce a 12 piece concentration. This year, I had students take photographs, and produce small 2X3” thumbnail sketches in their sketchbooks prior to starting their series. After completing the project book, I really feel that this would be a better approach to preparing my students.

Course: AP Drawing
Unit: Concentration Section
Lesson: Project Book, preliminary work for 12 works piece series.
Goal: Students will complete a Project Book , consisting of 12 pages, prior to starting the AP
Concentration Section
Objective: Students will learn how to properly research , plan and organize thoughts prior to starting a major project.
1. Library and Internet Research
2. Techniques and demos
3. Class discussions
4. 1 week of studio time dedicate to completing the book.


  1. Natalie--What an idea! I think it is really great that you mapped your purse. A student could do that with anything, their bookbag, their locker, their car, their room...especially if it is messy. I agree-it is a wonderful idea to do small and make into larger art pieces later. You did a great job; I love all the color. It might be interesting to do one in complimentary colors or using a limited color palette too--for AP.

  2. I feel this was a very successful idea. I know it’s conceptual and visually stimulating. The images are interesting and have a strong sense of line and direction. Movement throughout the piece is great, and the line quality is working throughout the piece. I really enjoy the use of textiles and the string throughout, and the use of images on the back and front of things is also working really well. The only thing I might explore would be different color variations with more contrast, I’m being really picky and would not normally give constructive criticism on such a successful piece but we are supposed to point out one area that could possibly be improved. I love the piece and it was very successful!


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